#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Segment {
/// The name of the parameter or just the static string.
pub value: String,
/// This is a `<a>`.
pub dynamic: bool,
/// This is a `<a..>`.
pub dynamic_trail: bool,
impl Segment {
pub fn from(segment: &crate::http::RawStr) -> Self {
let mut value = segment;
let mut dynamic = false;
let mut dynamic_trail = false;
if segment.starts_with('<') && segment.ends_with('>') {
dynamic = true;
value = &segment[1..(segment.len() - 1)];
if value.ends_with("..") {
dynamic_trail = true;
value = &value[..(value.len() - 2)];
Segment { value: value.to_string(), dynamic, dynamic_trail }