Crate rocket

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§Rocket - Core API Documentation

Hello, and welcome to the core Rocket API documentation!

This API documentation is highly technical and is purely a reference. There’s an overview of Rocket on the main site as well as a full, detailed guide. If you’d like pointers on getting started, see the quickstart or getting started chapters of the guide.

You may also be interested in looking at the rocket_contrib documentation, which contains automatic JSON (de)serialiazation, templating support, static file serving, and other useful features.


Rocket’s functionality is split into two crates:

  1. Core - This core library. Needed by every Rocket application.
  2. Contrib - Provides useful functionality for many Rocket applications. Completely optional.


First, depend on rocket in Cargo.toml:

rocket = "0.4.11"

Then, add the following to the top of your file:

#![feature(proc_macro_hygiene, decl_macro)]

#[macro_use] extern crate rocket;

See the guide for more information on how to write Rocket applications. Here’s a simple example to get you started:

#![feature(proc_macro_hygiene, decl_macro)]

#[macro_use] extern crate rocket;

fn hello() -> &'static str {
    "Hello, world!"

fn main() {
    rocket::ignite().mount("/", routes![hello]).launch();


Rocket and Rocket libraries are configured via the Rocket.toml file and/or ROCKET_{PARAM} environment variables. For more information on how to configure Rocket, see the configuration section of the guide as well as the config module documentation.


The local module contains structures that facilitate unit and integration testing of a Rocket application. The top-level local module documentation and the testing chapter of the guide include detailed examples.


  • Application configuration and configuration parameter retrieval.
  • Types and traits for handling incoming body data.
  • Types representing various errors that can occur in a Rocket application.
  • Fairings: callbacks at attach, launch, request, and response time.
  • Types and traits for request and error handlers and their return values.
  • Types that map to concepts in HTTP.
  • Structures for local dispatching of requests, primarily for testing.
  • Success, failure, and forward handling.
  • Types and traits for request parsing and handling.
  • Types and traits to build and send responses.


  • Generates a [Vec] of Catchers from a set of catcher paths.
  • Generates a [Vec] of Routes from a set of route paths.
  • Type safe generation of route URIs.


  • An error catching route.
  • Structure for Rocket application configuration.
  • Type representing the data in the body of an incoming request.
  • The type of an incoming web request.
  • A response, as returned by types implementing Responder.
  • The main Rocket type: used to mount routes and catchers and launch the application.
  • A route: a method, its handler, path, rank, and format/media type.
  • Request guard to retrieve managed state.


  • An enum representing success (Success), failure (Failure), or forwarding (Forward).


  • Trait implemented by types that can handle requests.


Type Aliases§

Attribute Macros§

  • Attribute to generate a Catcher and associated metadata.
  • Attribute to generate a Route and associated metadata.
  • Attribute to generate a Route and associated metadata.
  • Attribute to generate a Route and associated metadata.
  • Attribute to generate a Route and associated metadata.
  • Attribute to generate a Route and associated metadata.
  • Attribute to generate a Route and associated metadata.
  • Attribute to generate a Route and associated metadata.
  • Attribute to generate a Route and associated metadata.

Derive Macros§