use std::{io, fmt};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::error::Error;
use yansi::Paint;
use super::Environment;
use self::ConfigError::*;
pub enum ConfigError {
Io(io::Error, &'static str),
BadFilePath(PathBuf, &'static str),
BadEntry(String, PathBuf),
BadType(String, &'static str, &'static str, Option<PathBuf>),
ParseError(String, PathBuf, String, Option<(usize, usize)>),
BadEnvVal(String, String, String),
impl ConfigError {
pub fn pretty_print(&self) {
let valid_envs = Environment::VALID;
match *self {
NotFound => error!("config file was not found"),
IoError => error!("failed reading the config file: IO error"),
Io(ref error, param) => {
error!("I/O error while setting {}:", Paint::default(param).bold());
info_!("{}", error);
BadFilePath(ref path, reason) => {
error!("configuration file path {} is invalid", Paint::default(path.display()).bold());
info_!("{}", reason);
BadEntry(ref name, ref filename) => {
let valid_entries = format!("{}, global", valid_envs);
error!("{} is not a known configuration environment",
Paint::default(format!("[{}]", name)).bold());
info_!("in {}", Paint::default(filename.display()).bold());
info_!("valid environments are: {}", Paint::default(valid_entries).bold());
BadEnv(ref name) => {
error!("{} is not a valid ROCKET_ENV value", Paint::default(name).bold());
info_!("valid environments are: {}", Paint::default(valid_envs).bold());
BadType(ref name, expected, actual, ref filename) => {
error!("{} key could not be parsed", Paint::default(name).bold());
if let Some(filename) = filename {
info_!("in {}", Paint::default(filename.display()).bold());
info_!("expected value to be {}, but found {}",
Paint::default(expected).bold(), Paint::default(actual).bold());
ParseError(_, ref filename, ref desc, line_col) => {
error!("config file failed to parse due to invalid TOML");
info_!("{}", desc);
info_!("in {}", Paint::default(filename.display()).bold());
if let Some((line, col)) = line_col {
info_!("at line {}, column {}",
Paint::default(line + 1).bold(), Paint::default(col + 1).bold());
BadEnvVal(ref key, ref value, ref error) => {
error!("environment variable {} could not be parsed",
Paint::default(format!("ROCKET_{}={}", key.to_uppercase(), value)).bold());
info_!("{}", error);
UnknownKey(ref key) => {
error!("the configuration key {} is unknown and disallowed in \
this position", Paint::default(key).bold());
Missing(ref key) => {
error!("missing configuration key: {}", Paint::default(key).bold());
pub fn is_not_found(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
NotFound => true,
_ => false
impl fmt::Display for ConfigError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
NotFound => write!(f, "config file was not found"),
IoError => write!(f, "I/O error while reading the config file"),
Io(ref e, p) => write!(f, "I/O error while setting '{}': {}", p, e),
BadFilePath(ref p, _) => write!(f, "{:?} is not a valid config path", p),
BadEnv(ref e) => write!(f, "{:?} is not a valid `ROCKET_ENV` value", e),
ParseError(..) => write!(f, "the config file contains invalid TOML"),
UnknownKey(ref k) => write!(f, "'{}' is an unknown key", k),
Missing(ref k) => write!(f, "missing key: '{}'", k),
BadEntry(ref e, _) => {
write!(f, "{:?} is not a valid `[environment]` entry", e)
BadType(ref n, e, a, _) => {
write!(f, "type mismatch for '{}'. expected {}, found {}", n, e, a)
BadEnvVal(ref k, ref v, _) => {
write!(f, "environment variable '{}={}' could not be parsed", k, v)
impl Error for ConfigError {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
match *self {
NotFound => "config file was not found",
IoError => "there was an I/O error while reading the config file",
Io(..) => "an I/O error occured while setting a configuration parameter",
BadFilePath(..) => "the config file path is invalid",
BadEntry(..) => "an environment specified as `[environment]` is invalid",
BadEnv(..) => "the environment specified in `ROCKET_ENV` is invalid",
ParseError(..) => "the config file contains invalid TOML",
BadType(..) => "a key was specified with a value of the wrong type",
BadEnvVal(..) => "an environment variable could not be parsed",
UnknownKey(..) => "an unknown key was used in a disallowed position",
Missing(..) => "an expected key was not found",
impl PartialEq for ConfigError {
fn eq(&self, other: &ConfigError) -> bool {
match (self, other) {
(&NotFound, &NotFound) => true,
(&IoError, &IoError) => true,
(&Io(_, p1), &Io(_, p2)) => p1 == p2,
(&BadFilePath(ref p1, _), &BadFilePath(ref p2, _)) => p1 == p2,
(&BadEnv(ref e1), &BadEnv(ref e2)) => e1 == e2,
(&ParseError(..), &ParseError(..)) => true,
(&UnknownKey(ref k1), &UnknownKey(ref k2)) => k1 == k2,
(&BadEntry(ref e1, _), &BadEntry(ref e2, _)) => e1 == e2,
(&BadType(ref n1, e1, a1, _), &BadType(ref n2, e2, a2, _)) => {
n1 == n2 && e1 == e2 && a1 == a2
(&BadEnvVal(ref k1, ref v1, _), &BadEnvVal(ref k2, ref v2, _)) => {
k1 == k2 && v1 == v2
(&Missing(ref k1), &Missing(ref k2)) => k1 == k2,
(&NotFound, _) | (&IoError, _) | (&Io(..), _)
| (&BadFilePath(..), _) | (&BadEnv(..), _) | (&ParseError(..), _)
| (&UnknownKey(..), _) | (&BadEntry(..), _) | (&BadType(..), _)
| (&BadEnvVal(..), _) | (&Missing(..), _) => false