Type Alias rocket::route::Outcome

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pub type Outcome<'r> = Outcome<Response<'r>, Status, (Data<'r>, Status)>;
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Type alias for the return type of a Route’s Handler::handle().

Aliased Type§

enum Outcome<'r> {
    Forward((Data<'r>, Status)),




Contains the success value.



Contains the error error value.


Forward((Data<'r>, Status))

Contains the value to forward on.



impl<'r, 'o: 'r> Outcome<'o>


pub fn from<R: Responder<'r, 'o>>( req: &'r Request<'_>, responder: R, ) -> Outcome<'r>

Return the Outcome of response to req from responder.

If the responder returns Ok, an outcome of Success is returned with the response. If the responder returns Err, an outcome of Error is returned with the status code.

use rocket::{Request, Data, route};

fn str_responder<'r>(req: &'r Request, _: Data<'r>) -> route::Outcome<'r> {
    route::Outcome::from(req, "Hello, world!")

pub fn try_from<R, E>(req: &'r Request<'_>, result: Result<R, E>) -> Outcome<'r>
where R: Responder<'r, 'o>, E: Debug,

Return the Outcome of response to req from responder.

If the responder returns Ok, an outcome of Success is returned with the response. If the responder returns Err, an outcome of Error is returned with the status code.

use rocket::{Request, Data, route};

fn str_responder<'r>(req: &'r Request, _: Data<'r>) -> route::Outcome<'r> {
    route::Outcome::from(req, "Hello, world!")

pub fn error(code: Status) -> Outcome<'r>

Return an Outcome of Error with the status code code. This is equivalent to Outcome::Error(code).

This method exists to be used during manual routing.

use rocket::{Request, Data, route};
use rocket::http::Status;

fn bad_req_route<'r>(_: &'r Request, _: Data<'r>) -> route::Outcome<'r> {

pub fn forward(data: Data<'r>, status: Status) -> Outcome<'r>

Return an Outcome of Forward with the data data and status status. This is equivalent to Outcome::Forward((data, status)).

This method exists to be used during manual routing.

use rocket::{Request, Data, route};
use rocket::http::Status;

fn always_forward<'r>(_: &'r Request, data: Data<'r>) -> route::Outcome<'r> {
    route::Outcome::forward(data, Status::InternalServerError)