use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::error::Error;
use crate::engine::Engines;
use crate::template::TemplateInfo;
use rocket::http::ContentType;
use normpath::PathExt;
pub(crate) type Callback =
Box<dyn Fn(&mut Engines) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> + Send + Sync + 'static>;
pub(crate) struct Context {
pub root: PathBuf,
pub templates: HashMap<String, TemplateInfo>,
pub engines: Engines,
pub(crate) use self::manager::ContextManager;
impl Context {
pub fn initialize(root: &Path, callback: &Callback) -> Option<Context> {
fn is_file_with_ext(entry: &walkdir::DirEntry, ext: &str) -> bool {
let is_file = entry.file_type().is_file();
let has_ext = entry.path().extension().map_or(false, |e| e == ext);
is_file && has_ext
let root = match root.normalize() {
Ok(root) => root.into_path_buf(),
Err(e) => {
error!("Invalid template directory '{}': {}.", root.display(), e);
return None;
let mut templates: HashMap<String, TemplateInfo> = HashMap::new();
for &ext in Engines::ENABLED_EXTENSIONS {
for entry in walkdir::WalkDir::new(&root).follow_links(true) {
let entry = match entry {
Ok(entry) if is_file_with_ext(&entry, ext) => entry,
Ok(_) | Err(_) => continue,
let (name, data_type_str) = split_path(&root, entry.path());
if let Some(info) = templates.get(&*name) {
warn_!("Template name '{}' does not have a unique source.", name);
match info.path {
Some(ref path) => info_!("Existing path: {:?}", path),
None => info_!("Existing Content-Type: {}", info.data_type),
info_!("Additional path: {:?}", entry.path());
warn_!("Keeping existing template '{}'.", name);
let data_type = data_type_str.as_ref()
.and_then(|ext| ContentType::from_extension(ext))
templates.insert(name, TemplateInfo {
path: Some(entry.into_path()),
engine_ext: ext,
let mut engines = Engines::init(&templates)?;
if let Err(e) = callback(&mut engines) {
error_!("Template customization callback failed.");
error_!("{}", e);
return None;
for (name, engine_ext) in engines.templates() {
if !templates.contains_key(name) {
let data_type = Path::new(name).extension()
.and_then(|osstr| osstr.to_str())
.and_then(|ext| ContentType::from_extension(ext))
let info = TemplateInfo { path: None, engine_ext, data_type };
templates.insert(name.to_string(), info);
Some(Context { root, templates, engines })
mod manager {
use std::ops::Deref;
use super::Context;
pub(crate) struct ContextManager(Context);
impl ContextManager {
pub fn new(ctxt: Context) -> ContextManager {
pub fn context<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Deref<Target=Context> + 'a {
pub fn is_reloading(&self) -> bool {
mod manager {
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
use std::sync::{RwLock, Mutex};
use std::sync::mpsc::{channel, Receiver};
use notify::{recommended_watcher, Error, Event, RecommendedWatcher, RecursiveMode, Watcher};
use super::{Callback, Context};
pub(crate) struct ContextManager {
context: RwLock<Context>,
watcher: Option<(RecommendedWatcher, Mutex<Receiver<Result<Event, Error>>>)>,
impl ContextManager {
pub fn new(ctxt: Context) -> ContextManager {
let (tx, rx) = channel();
let watcher = recommended_watcher(tx).and_then(|mut watcher| {, RecursiveMode::Recursive)?;
let watcher = match watcher {
Ok(watcher) => Some((watcher, Mutex::new(rx))),
Err(e) => {
warn!("Failed to enable live template reloading: {}", e);
debug_!("Reload error: {:?}", e);
warn_!("Live template reloading is unavailable.");
ContextManager { watcher, context: RwLock::new(ctxt), }
pub fn context(&self) -> impl Deref<Target=Context> + '_ {
pub fn is_reloading(&self) -> bool {
fn context_mut(&self) -> impl DerefMut<Target=Context> + '_ {
pub fn reload_if_needed(&self, callback: &Callback) {
let templates_changes = self.watcher.as_ref()
.map(|(_, rx)| rx.lock().expect("fsevents lock").try_iter().count() > 0);
if let Some(true) = templates_changes {
info_!("Change detected: reloading templates.");
let root = self.context().root.clone();
if let Some(new_ctxt) = Context::initialize(&root, &callback) {
*self.context_mut() = new_ctxt;
} else {
warn_!("An error occurred while reloading templates.");
warn_!("Existing templates will remain active.");
fn remove_extension(path: &Path) -> PathBuf {
let stem = match path.file_stem() {
Some(stem) => stem,
None => return path.to_path_buf()
match path.parent() {
Some(parent) => parent.join(stem),
None => PathBuf::from(stem)
fn split_path(root: &Path, path: &Path) -> (String, Option<String>) {
let rel_path = path.strip_prefix(root).unwrap().to_path_buf();
let path_no_ext = remove_extension(&rel_path);
let data_type = path_no_ext.extension();
let mut name = remove_extension(&path_no_ext).to_string_lossy().into_owned();
if cfg!(windows) {
name = name.replace("\\", "/");
(name,|d| d.to_string_lossy().into_owned()))
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn template_path_index_html() {
for root in &["/", "/a/b/c/", "/a/b/c/d/", "/a/"] {
for filename in &["index.html.hbs", "index.html.tera"] {
let path = Path::new(root).join(filename);
let (name, data_type) = split_path(Path::new(root), &path);
assert_eq!(name, "index");
assert_eq!(data_type, Some("html".into()));
fn template_path_subdir_index_html() {
for root in &["/", "/a/b/c/", "/a/b/c/d/", "/a/"] {
for sub in &["a/", "a/b/", "a/b/c/", "a/b/c/d/"] {
for filename in &["index.html.hbs", "index.html.tera"] {
let path = Path::new(root).join(sub).join(filename);
let (name, data_type) = split_path(Path::new(root), &path);
let expected_name = format!("{}index", sub);
assert_eq!(name, expected_name.as_str());
assert_eq!(data_type, Some("html".into()));
fn template_path_doc_examples() {
fn name_for(path: &str) -> String {
split_path(Path::new("templates/"), &Path::new("templates/").join(path)).0
assert_eq!(name_for("index.html.hbs"), "index");
assert_eq!(name_for("index.tera"), "index");
assert_eq!(name_for("index.hbs"), "index");
assert_eq!(name_for("dir/index.hbs"), "dir/index");
assert_eq!(name_for("dir/index.html.tera"), "dir/index");
assert_eq!(name_for("index.template.html.hbs"), "index.template");
assert_eq!(name_for("subdir/index.template.html.hbs"), "subdir/index.template");