use rocket::{Rocket, Build, Orbit};
use rocket::fairing::{self, Fairing, Info, Kind};
use rocket::figment::{Source, value::magic::RelativePathBuf};
use rocket::trace::Trace;
use crate::context::{Callback, Context, ContextManager};
use crate::template::DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_DIR;
use crate::engine::Engines;
/// The TemplateFairing initializes the template system on attach, running
/// custom_callback after templates have been loaded. In debug mode, the fairing
/// checks for modifications to templates before every request and reloads them
/// if necessary.
pub struct TemplateFairing {
/// The user-provided customization callback, allowing the use of
/// functionality specific to individual template engines. In debug mode,
/// this callback might be run multiple times as templates are reloaded.
pub callback: Callback,
impl Fairingfor TemplateFairing {
fn info(&self) -> Info {
let kind = Kind::Ignite | Kind::Liftoff;
#[cfg(debug_assertions)] let kind = kind | Kind::Request;
Info { kind, name: "Templating" }
/// Initializes the template context. Templates will be searched for in the
/// `template_dir` config variable or the default ([DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_DIR]).
/// The user's callback, if any was supplied, is called to customize the
/// template engines. In debug mode, the `ContextManager::new` method
/// initializes a directory watcher for auto-reloading of templates.
async fn on_ignite(&self, rocket: Rocket<Build>) -> fairing::Result {
let configured_dir = rocket.figment()
.map(|path| path.relative());
let path = match configured_dir {
Ok(dir) => dir,
Err(e) if e.missing() => DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_DIR.into(),
Err(e) => {
return Err(rocket);
if let Some(ctxt) = Context::initialize(&path, &self.callback) {
} else {
error!("Template initialization failed. Aborting launch.");
async fn on_liftoff(&self, rocket: &Rocket<Orbit>) {
let cm = rocket.state::<ContextManager>()
.expect("Template ContextManager registered in on_ignite");
span_info!("templating" => {
info!(directory = %Source::from(&*cm.context().root));
info!(engines = ?Engines::ENABLED_EXTENSIONS);
async fn on_request(&self, req: &mut rocket::Request<'_>, _data: &mut rocket::Data<'_>) {
let cm = req.rocket().state::<ContextManager>()
.expect("Template ContextManager registered in on_ignite");