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use rocket::{Rocket, Build};
use rocket::figment::{self, Figment, providers::Serialized};
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
/// A base `Config` for any `Poolable` type.
/// For the following configuration:
/// ```toml
/// [global.databases.my_database]
/// url = "postgres://root:root@localhost/my_database"
/// pool_size = 10
/// timeout = 5
/// ```
/// ...`Config::from("my_database", rocket)` would return the following struct:
/// ```rust
/// # use rocket_sync_db_pools::Config;
/// Config {
/// url: "postgres://root:root@localhost/my_database".into(),
/// pool_size: 10,
/// timeout: 5
/// };
/// ```
/// If you want to implement your own custom database adapter (or other
/// database-like struct that can be pooled by `r2d2`) and need some more
/// configurations options, you may need to define a custom `Config` struct.
/// Note, however, that the configuration values in `Config` are required.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Config {
/// Connection URL specified in the Rocket configuration.
pub url: String,
/// Initial pool size. Defaults to the number of Rocket workers * 4.
pub pool_size: u32,
/// How long to wait, in seconds, for a new connection before timing out.
/// Defaults to `5`.
// FIXME: Use `time`.
pub timeout: u8,
impl Config {
/// Retrieves the database configuration for the database named `name`.
/// This function is primarily used by the generated code from the
/// `#[database]` attribute.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # #[cfg(feature = "diesel_sqlite_pool")] {
/// # use rocket::figment::{Figment, providers::{Format, Toml}};
/// // Assume that these are the contents of `Rocket.toml`:
/// # let toml = Toml::string(r#"
/// [default.databases]
/// my_db = { url = "db/db.sqlite", pool_size = 25 }
/// my_other_db = { url = "mysql://root:root@localhost/database" }
/// # "#).nested();
/// use rocket::{Rocket, Build};
/// use rocket_sync_db_pools::Config;
/// fn pool(rocket: &Rocket<Build>) {
/// let config = Config::from("my_db", rocket).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(config.url, "db/db.sqlite");
/// assert_eq!(config.pool_size, 25);
/// let config = Config::from("my_other_db", rocket).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(config.url, "mysql://root:root@localhost/database");
/// let workers = rocket.figment().extract_inner::<u32>(rocket::Config::WORKERS);
/// assert_eq!(config.pool_size, (workers.unwrap() * 4));
/// let config = Config::from("unknown_db", rocket);
/// assert!(config.is_err())
/// }
/// #
/// # let config = Figment::from(rocket::Config::default()).merge(toml);
/// # let rocket = rocket::custom(config);
/// # pool(&rocket);
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn from(db_name: &str, rocket: &Rocket<Build>) -> Result<Config, figment::Error> {
Config::figment(db_name, rocket).extract::<Self>()
/// Returns a `Figment` focused on the configuration for the database with
/// name `db_name`.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use rocket::{Rocket, Build};
/// use rocket_sync_db_pools::Config;
/// fn pool(rocket: &Rocket<Build>) {
/// let my_db_figment = Config::figment("my_db", rocket);
/// let mysql_prod_figment = Config::figment("mysql_prod", rocket);
/// }
/// ```
pub fn figment(db_name: &str, rocket: &Rocket<Build>) -> Figment {
let db_key = format!("databases.{}", db_name);
let default_pool_size = rocket.figment()
.map(|workers| workers * 4)
let figment = Figment::from(rocket.figment())
.join(Serialized::default("timeout", 5));
match default_pool_size {
Some(pool_size) => figment.join(Serialized::default("pool_size", pool_size)),
None => figment