1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407
//! Parsing and validation of HTTP forms and fields.
//! See the [forms guide]( for
//! general form support documentation.
//! # Field Wire Format
//! Rocket's field wire format is a flexible, non-self-descriptive, text-based
//! encoding of arbitrarily nested structure keys and their corresponding
//! values. The general grammar is:
//! ```ebnf
//! field := name ('=' value)?
//! name := key*
//! key := indices
//! | '[' indices ']'
//! | '.' indices
//! indices := index (':' index)*
//! index := STRING except ':', ']'
//! value := STRING
//! ```
//! Each field name consists of any number of `key`s and at most one `value`.
//! Keys are delimited by `[` or `.`. A `key` consists of indices delimited by
//! `:`.
//! The meaning of a key or index is type-dependent, hence the format is
//! non-self-descriptive. _Any_ structure can be described by this format. The
//! delimiters `.`, `[`, `:`, and `]` have no semantic meaning.
//! Some examples of valid fields are:
//! * `=`
//! * `key=value`
//! * `key[]=value`
//! * `.0=value`
//! * `[0]=value`
//! * `people[].name=Bob`
//! * `bob.cousin.names[]=Bob`
//! * `map[k:1]=Bob`
//! * `people[bob]nickname=Stan`
//! See [`FromForm`] for full details on push-parsing and complete examples, and
//! [`Form`] for how to accept forms in a request handler.
// ## Maps w/named Fields (`struct`)
// A `struct` with named fields parses values of multiple types, indexed by the
// name of its fields:
// ```rust,ignore
// struct Dog { name: String, barks: bool, friends: Vec<Cat>, }
// struct Cat { name: String, meows: bool }
// ```
// Candidates for parsing into a `Dog` include:
// * `name=Fido&barks=0`
// `Dog { "Fido", false }`
// * `name=Fido&barks=1&friends[0]name=Sally&friends[0]meows=0`
// `name=Fido&barks=1&friends[0].name=Sally&friends[0].meows=0`
// `name=Fido&barks=1&`
// `Dog { "Fido", true, vec![Cat { "Sally", false }] }`
// Parsers for structs are code-generated to proceed as follows:
// 1. **Initialization.** The context stores parsing options, a `T::Context`
// for each field of type `T`, and a vector called `extra`.
// ```rust,ignore
// struct Context<'v> {
// opts: FormOptions,
// field_a: A::Context,
// field_b: B::Context,
// /* ... */
// extra: Vec<FormField<'v>>
// }
// ```
// 2. **Push.** The index of the first key is compared to known field names.
// If none matches, the index is added to `extra`. Otherwise the key is
// stripped from the field, and the remaining field is pushed to `T`.
// ```rust,ignore
// fn push(this: &mut Self::Context, field: FormField<'v>) {
// match field.key() {
// "field_a" => A::push(&mut this.field_a,,
// "field_b" => B::push(&mut this.field_b,,
// /* ... */
// _ => this.extra.push(field)
// }
// }
// ```
// 3. **Finalization.** Every context is finalized; errors and `Ok` values
// are collected. If parsing is strict and extras is non-empty, an error
// added to the collection of errors. If there are no errors, all `Ok`
// values are used to create the `struct`, and the created struct is
// returned. Otherwise, `Err(errors)` is returned.
// ```rust,ignore
// fn finalize(mut this: Self::Context) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
// let mut errors = vec![];
// let field_a = A::finalize(&mut this.field_a)
// .map_err(|e| errors.push(e))
// .map(Some).unwrap_or(None);
// let field_b = B::finalize(&mut this.field_b)
// .map_err(|e| errors.push(e))
// .map(Some).unwrap_or(None);
// /* .. */
// if !errors.is_empty() {
// return Err(Values(errors));
// } else if this.opts.is_strict() && !this.extra.is_empty() {
// return Err(Extra(this.extra));
// } else {
// // NOTE: All unwraps will succeed since `errors.is_empty()`.
// Struct {
// field_a: field_a.unwrap(),
// field_b: field_b.unwrap(),
// /* .. */
// }
// }
// }
// ```
// ## Sequences: (`Vec<T: FromForm>`)
// A `Vec<T: FromForm>` invokes `T`'s push-parser on every push, adding instances
// of `T` to an internal vector. The instance of `T` whose parser is invoked
// depends on the index of the first key:
// * if it is the first push, the index differs from the previous, or there is no
// index, a new `T::Context` is `init`ialized and added to the internal vector
// * if the index matches the previously seen index, the last initialized
// `T::Context` is `push`ed to.
// For instance, the sequentially pushed values `=1`, `=2`, and `=3` for a
// `Vec<usize>` (or any other integer) is expected to parse as `vec![1, 2, 3]`. The
// same is true for `[]=1&[]=2&[]=3`. In the first example (`=1&..`), the fields
// passed to `Vec`'s push-parser (`=1`, ..) have no key and thus no index. In the
// second example (`[]=1&..`), the key is `[]` (`[]=1`) without an index. In both
// cases, there is no index. The `Vec` parser takes this to mean that a _new_ `T`
// should be parsed using the field's value.
// If, instead, the index was non-empty and equal to the index of the field in the
// _previous_ push, `Vec` pushes the value to the parser of the previously parsed
// `T`: `[]=1&[0]=2&[0]=3` results in `vec![1, 2]` and `[0]=1&[0]=2&[]=3` results
// in `vec![1, 3]` (see [`FromFormValue`]).
// This generalizes. Consider a `Vec<Vec<usize>>` named `x`, so `x` and an
// optional `=` are stripped before being passed to `Vec`'s push-parser:
// * `x=1&x=2&x=3` parses as `vec![vec![1], vec![2], vec![3]]`
// Every push (`1`, `2`, `3`) has no key, thus no index: a new `T` (here,
// `Vec<usize>`) is thus initialized for every `push()` and passed the
// value (here, `1`, `2`, and `3`). Each of these `push`es proceeds
// recursively: every push again has no key, thus no index, so a new `T` is
// initialized for every push (now a `usize`), which finally parse as
// integers `1`, `2`, and `3`.
// Note: `x=1&x=2&x=3` _also_ can also parse as `vec![1, 2, 3]` when viewed
// as a `Vec<usize>`; this is the non-self-descriptive part of the format.
// * `x[]=1&x[]=2&x[]=3` parses as `vec![vec![1], vec![2], vec![3]]`
// This proceeds nearly identically to the previous example, with the exception
// that the top-level `Vec` sees the values `[]=1`, `[]=2`, and `[]=3`.
// * `x[0]=1&x[0]=2&x[]=3` parses as `vec![vec![1, 2], vec![3]]`
// The top-level `Vec` sees the values `[0]=1`, `[0]=2`, and `[]=3`. The first
// value results in a new `Vec<usize>` being initialized, as before, which is
// pushed a `1`. The second value has the same index as the first, `0`, and so
// `2` is pushed to the previous `T`, the `Vec` which contains the `1`.
// Finally, the third value has no index, so a new `Vec<usize>` is initialized
// and pushed a `3`.
// * `x[0]=1&x[0]=2&x[]=3&x[]=4` parses as `vec![vec![1, 2], vec![3], vec![4]]`
// * `x[0]=1&x[0]=2&x[1]=3&x[1]=4` parses as `vec![vec![1, 2], vec![3, 4]]`
// The indexing kind `[]` is purely by convention: the first two examples are
// equivalent to `x.=1&x.=2`, while the third to `x.0=1&x.0=&x.=3`.
// The parser proceeds as follows:
// 1. **Initialization.** The context stores parsing options, the
// `last_index` encountered in a `push`, an `Option` of a `T::Context` for
// the `current` value being parsed, a `Vec<T::Errors>` of `errors`, and
// finally a `Vec<T>` of already parsed `items`.
// ```rust,ignore
// struct VecContext<'v, T: FromForm<'v>> {
// opts: FormOptions,
// last_index: Index<'v>,
// current: Option<T::Context>,
// errors: Vec<T::Error>,
// items: Vec<T>
// }
// ```
// 2. **Push.** The index of the first key is compared against `last_index`.
// If it differs, a new context for `T` is created and the previous is
// finalized. The `Ok` result from finalization is stored in `items` and
// the `Err` in `errors`. Otherwise the `index` is the same, the `current`
// context is retrieved, and the field stripped of the current key is
// pushed to `T`. `last_index` is updated.
// ```rust,ignore
// fn push(this: &mut Self::Context, field: FormField<'v>) {
// if this.last_index != field.index() {
// this.shift(); // finalize `current`, add to `items`, `errors`
// let mut context = T::init(this.opts);
// T::push(&mut context,;
// this.current = Some(context);
// } else {
// let context = this.current.as_mut();
// T::push(context,
// }
// this.last_index = field.index();
// }
// ```
// 3. **Finalization.** Any `current` context is finalized, storing the `Ok`
// or `Err` as before. `Ok(items)` is returned if `errors` is empty,
// otherwise `Err(errors)` is returned.
// ```rust,ignore
// fn finalize(mut this: Self::Context) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
// this.shift(); // finalizes `current`, as before.
// match this.errors.is_empty() {
// true => Ok(this.items),
// false => Err(this.errors)
// }
// }
// ```
// ## Arbitrary Maps (`HashMap<K: FromForm, V: FromForm>`)
// A `HashMap<K, V>` can be parsed from keys with one index or, for composite
// key values, such as structures or sequences, multiple indices. We begin with
// a discussion of the simpler case: non-composite keys.
// ### Non-Composite Keys
// A non-composite value can be described by a single field with no indices.
// Strings and integers are examples of non-composite values. The push-parser
// for `HashMap<K, V>` for a non-composite `K` uses the index of the first key
// as the value of `K`; the remainder of the field is pushed to `V`'s parser:
// 1. **Initialization.** The context stores a column-based representation of
// `keys` and `values`, a `key_map` from a string key to the column index,
// an `errors` vector for storing errors as they arise, and the parsing
// options.
// ```rust,ignore
// struct MapContext<'v, K: FromForm<'v>, V: FromForm<'v>> {
// opts: FormOptions,
// key_map: HashMap<&'v str, usize>,
// keys: Vec<K::Context>,
// values: Vec<V::Context>,
// errors: Vec<MapError<'v, K::Error, V::Error>>,
// }
// ```
// 2. **Push.** The `key_map` index for the key associated with the index of
// the first key in the field is retrieved. If such a key has not yet been
// seen, a new key and value context are created, the key is pushed to
// `K`'s parser, and the field minus the first key is pushed to `V`'s
// parser.
// ```rust,ignore
// fn push(this: &mut Self::Context, field: FormField<'v>) {
// let key = field.index();
// let value_context = match this.key_map.get(Key) {
// Some(i) => &mut this.values[i],
// None => {
// let i = this.keys.len();
// this.key_map.insert(key, i);
// this.keys.push(K::init(this.opts));
// this.values.push(V::init(this.opts));
// K::push(&mut this.keys[i], key.into());
// &mut this.values[i]
// }
// };
// V::push(value_context,;
// }
// ```
// 3. **Finalization.** All key and value contexts are finalized; any errors
// are collected in `errors`. If there are no errors, `keys` and `values`
// are collected into a `HashMap` and returned. Otherwise, the errors are
// returned.
// ```rust,ignore
// fn finalize(mut this: Self::Context) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
// this.finalize_keys();
// this.finalize_values();
// if this.errors.is_empty() {
// Ok(this.keys.into_iter().zip(this.values.into_iter()).collect())
// } else {
// Err(this.errors)
// }
// }
// ```
// Examples of forms parseable via this parser are:
// * `x[0].name=Bob&x[0].meows=true`as a `HashMap<usize, Cat>` parses with
// `0` mapping to `Cat { name: "Bob", meows: true }`
// * `x[0]name=Bob&x[0]meows=true`as a `HashMap<usize, Cat>` parses just as
// above.
// * `x[0]=Bob&x[0]=Sally&x[1]=Craig`as a `HashMap<usize, Vec<String>>`
// just as `{ 0 => vec!["Bob", "Sally"], 1 => vec!["Craig"] }`.
// A `HashMap<K, V>` can be thought of as a vector of key-value pairs: `Vec<(K,
// V)` (row-based) or equivalently, as two vectors of keys and values: `Vec<K>`
// and `Vec<V>` (column-based). The implication is that indexing into a
// specific key or value requires _two_ indexes: the first to determine whether
// a key or value is being indexed to, and the second to determine _which_ key
// or value. The push-parser for maps thus optionally accepts two indexes for a
// single key to allow piece-by-piece build-up of arbitrary keys and values.
// The parser proceeds as follows:
// 1. **Initialization.** The context stores parsing options, a vector of
// `key_contexts: Vec<K::Context>`, a vector of `value_contexts:
// Vec<V::Context>`, a `mapping` from a string index to an integer index
// into the `contexts`, and a vector of `errors`.
// 2. **Push.** An index is required; an error is emitted and `push` returns
// if they field's first key does not contain an index. If the first key
// contains _one_ index, a new `K::Context` and `V::Context` are created.
// The key is pushed as the value to `K` and the remaining field as the
// value to `V`. The key and value are finalized; if both succeed, the key
// and value are stored in `keys` and `values`; otherwise the error(s) is
// stored in `errors`.
// If the first keys contains _two_ indices, the first must starts with
// `k` or `v`, while the `second` is arbitrary. `mapping` is indexed by
// `second`; the integer is retrieved. If none exists, new contexts are
// created an added to `{key,value}_contexts`, and their index is mapped
// to `second` in `mapping`. If the first index is `k`, the field,
// stripped of the first key, is pushed to the key's context; the same is
// done for the value's context is the first index is `v`.
// 3. **Finalization.** Every context is finalized; errors and `Ok` values
// are collected.
mod field;
mod options;
mod from_form;
mod from_form_field;
mod form;
mod context;
mod strict;
mod lenient;
mod parser;
mod buffer;
pub mod validate;
pub mod name;
pub mod error;
mod tests;
/// Type alias for `Result` with an error type of [`Errors`].
pub type Result<'v, T> = std::result::Result<T, Errors<'v>>;
pub use rocket_codegen::{FromForm, FromFormField};
pub use self::error::{Errors, Error};
pub use self::buffer::{SharedStack, Shareable};
pub use field::*;
pub use options::*;
pub use from_form_field::*;
pub use from_form::*;
pub use form::*;
pub use context::*;
pub use strict::*;
pub use lenient::*;
pub mod prelude {
pub use super::*;
pub use super::name::*;
pub use super::error::*;